2 * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
25 #import "KNAppDelegate.h"
26 #import "KDSecCircle.h"
27 #import "KDCirclePeer.h"
28 #import "NSDictionary+compactDescription.h"
29 #import <AOSUI/NSImageAdditions.h>
30 #import <AppleSystemInfo/AppleSystemInfo.h>
31 #import <Security/SecFrameworkStrings.h>
33 #import <utilities/debugging.h>
34 #import <os/variant_private.h>
36 #import <Accounts/Accounts.h>
37 #import <AOSAccounts/MobileMePrefsCoreAEPrivate.h>
38 #import <AOSAccounts/MobileMePrefsCore.h>
39 #import <AOSAccounts/ACAccountStore+iCloudAccount.h>
40 #import <AOSAccounts/iCloudAccount.h>
42 #include <msgtracer_client.h>
43 #include <msgtracer_keys.h>
44 #include <CrashReporterSupport/CrashReporterSupportPrivate.h>
45 #import <ProtectedCloudStorage/CloudIdentity.h>
46 #import "CoreCDP/CDPFollowUpController.h"
47 #import "CoreCDP/CDPFollowUpContext.h"
48 #import <CoreCDP/CDPAccount.h>
50 static const char * const kLaunchLaterXPCName = "com.apple.security.Keychain-Circle-Notification-TICK";
51 static const NSString * const kKickedOutKey = @"KickedOut";
52 static const NSString * const kValidOnlyOutOfCircleKey = @"ValidOnlyOutOfCircle";
53 static const NSString * const kPasswordChangedOrTrustedDeviceChanged = @"TDorPasswordChanged";
54 static NSString *prefpane = @"/System/Library/PreferencePanes/iCloudPref.prefPane";
55 #define kPublicKeyNotAvailable "com.apple.security.publickeynotavailable"
56 #define kPublicKeyAvailable "com.apple.security.publickeyavailable"
57 static NSString *KeychainPCDetailsAEAction = @"AKPCDetailsAEAction";
58 bool _hasPostedAndStillInError = false;
59 bool _haveCheckedForICDPStatusOnceInCircle = false;
60 bool _isAccountICDP = false;
62 @implementation KNAppDelegate
64 static NSUserNotificationCenter *appropriateNotificationCenter()
66 return [NSUserNotificationCenter _centerForIdentifier: @"com.apple.security.keychain-circle-notification"
67 type: _NSUserNotificationCenterTypeSystem];
70 static void PSKeychainSyncIsUsingICDP(void)
72 ACAccountStore *accountStore = [[ACAccountStore alloc] init];
73 ACAccount *primaryiCloudAccount = nil;
75 if ([accountStore respondsToSelector:@selector(icaPrimaryAppleAccount)]){
76 primaryiCloudAccount = [accountStore icaPrimaryAppleAccount];
79 NSString *dsid = primaryiCloudAccount.icaPersonID;
80 BOOL isICDPEnabled = NO;
82 isICDPEnabled = [CDPAccount isICDPEnabledForDSID:dsid];
83 NSLog(@"iCDP: PSKeychainSyncIsUsingICDP returning %@", isICDPEnabled ? @"TRUE" : @"FALSE");
85 NSLog(@"iCDP: no primary account");
88 _isAccountICDP = isICDPEnabled;
91 -(void) startFollowupKitRepair
93 NSError *localError = NULL;
94 CDPFollowUpController *cdpd = [[CDPFollowUpController alloc] init];
95 CDPFollowUpContext *context = [CDPFollowUpContext contextForStateRepair];
96 [cdpd postFollowUpWithContext:context error:&localError ];
98 secnotice("kcn", "request to CoreCDP to follow up failed: %@", localError);
101 secnotice("kcn", "CoreCDP handling follow up");
102 _hasPostedAndStillInError = false;
106 - (void) handleDismissedNotification
109 secnotice("kcn", "handling dismissed notification, would start a follow up");
110 [self startFollowupKitRepair];
113 secerror("unable to find primary account");
116 - (void) notifyiCloudPreferencesAbout: (NSString *) eventName
118 if (eventName == nil)
121 secnotice("kcn", "notifyiCloudPreferencesAbout %@", eventName);
123 NSString *accountID = (__bridge_transfer NSString*)(MMCopyLoggedInAccountFromAccounts());
124 ACAccountStore *accountStore = [[ACAccountStore alloc] init];
125 ACAccount *primaryiCloudAccount = nil;
127 if ([accountStore respondsToSelector:@selector(icaPrimaryAppleAccount)]){
128 primaryiCloudAccount = [accountStore icaPrimaryAppleAccount];
131 if(primaryiCloudAccount){
133 BOOL createdAEDesc = createAEDescWithAEActionAndAccountID((__bridge NSString *) kMMServiceIDKeychainSync, eventName, accountID, &aeDesc);
135 NSArray *prefPaneURL = [NSArray arrayWithObject: [NSURL fileURLWithPath: prefpane ]];
137 LSLaunchURLSpec lsSpec = {
139 .itemURLs = (__bridge CFArrayRef)prefPaneURL,
140 .passThruParams = &aeDesc,
141 .launchFlags = kLSLaunchDefaults | kLSLaunchAsync,
145 OSErr err = LSOpenFromURLSpec(&lsSpec, NULL);
148 secerror("Can't send event %@, err=%d", eventName, err);
149 AEDisposeDesc(&aeDesc);
151 secerror("unable to create and send aedesc for account: '%@' and action: '%@'\n", primaryiCloudAccount, eventName);
154 secerror("unable to find primary account");
159 NSDate *nowish = [NSDate new];
161 self.state = [KNPersistentState loadFromStorage];
162 if ([nowish compare:self.state.pendingApplicationReminder] != NSOrderedAscending) {
163 secnotice("kcn", "REMINDER TIME: %@ >>> %@", nowish, self.state.pendingApplicationReminder);
165 // self.circle.rawStatus might not be valid yet
166 if (SOSCCThisDeviceIsInCircle(NULL) == kSOSCCRequestPending) {
167 // Still have a request pending, send reminder, and also in addtion to the UI
168 // we need to send a notification for iCloud pref pane to pick up
169 CFNotificationCenterPostNotificationWithOptions(
170 CFNotificationCenterGetDistributedCenter(),
171 CFSTR("com.apple.security.secureobjectsync.pendingApplicationReminder"),
172 (__bridge const void *) [self.state.applicationDate description], NULL, 0
175 [self postApplicationReminder];
176 self.state.pendingApplicationReminder = [nowish dateByAddingTimeInterval:[self getPendingApplicationReminderInterval]];
177 [self.state writeToStorage];
183 - (void) scheduleActivityAt: (NSDate *) time
185 if ([time compare:[NSDate distantFuture]] != NSOrderedSame) {
186 NSTimeInterval howSoon = [time timeIntervalSinceNow];
188 [self scheduleActivityIn:ceil(howSoon)];
195 - (void) scheduleActivityIn: (int) alertInterval
197 xpc_object_t options = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0);
198 xpc_dictionary_set_uint64(options, XPC_ACTIVITY_DELAY, alertInterval);
199 xpc_dictionary_set_uint64(options, XPC_ACTIVITY_GRACE_PERIOD, XPC_ACTIVITY_INTERVAL_1_MIN);
200 xpc_dictionary_set_bool (options, XPC_ACTIVITY_REPEATING, false);
201 xpc_dictionary_set_bool (options, XPC_ACTIVITY_ALLOW_BATTERY, true);
202 xpc_dictionary_set_string(options, XPC_ACTIVITY_PRIORITY, XPC_ACTIVITY_PRIORITY_UTILITY);
204 xpc_activity_register(kLaunchLaterXPCName, options, ^(xpc_activity_t activity) {
210 - (NSTimeInterval) getPendingApplicationReminderInterval
212 if (self.state.pendingApplicationReminderInterval)
213 return [self.state.pendingApplicationReminderInterval doubleValue];
219 #define ICKC_EVENT_DISABLED "com.apple.security.secureobjectsync.disabled"
220 #define ICKC_EVENT_DEPARTURE_REASON "com.apple.security.secureobjectsync.departurereason"
221 #define ICKC_EVENT_NUM_PEERS "com.apple.security.secureobjectsync.numcircledevices"
223 - (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *) aNotification
225 appropriateNotificationCenter().delegate = self;
228 secnotice("kcn", "Posted at launch: %@", appropriateNotificationCenter().deliveredNotifications);
230 notify_register_dispatch(kPublicKeyAvailable, &available, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(int token) {
231 CFErrorRef err = NULL;
232 KNAppDelegate *me = self;
233 SOSCCStatus currentCircleStatus = SOSCCThisDeviceIsInCircle(&err);
234 me.state = [KNPersistentState loadFromStorage];
236 secnotice("kcn", "got public key available notification");
238 me.state.lastCircleStatus = currentCircleStatus;
240 [me.state writeToStorage];
243 //register for public key not available notification, if occurs KCN can react
244 notify_register_dispatch(kPublicKeyNotAvailable, &out_taken, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(int token) {
245 CFErrorRef err = NULL;
246 KNAppDelegate *me = self;
247 enum DepartureReason departureReason = SOSCCGetLastDepartureReason(&err);
248 SOSCCStatus currentCircleStatus = SOSCCThisDeviceIsInCircle(&err);
249 me.state = [KNPersistentState loadFromStorage];
251 secnotice("kcn", "got public key not available notification, but won't send notification unless circle transition matches");
252 secnotice("kcn", "current circle status: %d, current departure reason: %d, last circle status: %d", currentCircleStatus, departureReason, me.state.lastCircleStatus);
254 PSKeychainSyncIsUsingICDP();
257 if((currentCircleStatus == kSOSCCError || currentCircleStatus == kSOSCCCircleAbsent || currentCircleStatus == kSOSCCNotInCircle) && _hasPostedAndStillInError == false) {
258 secnotice("kcn", "iCDP: device not in circle, posting follow up");
259 [self postRequirePassword];
260 _hasPostedAndStillInError = true;
262 else if(currentCircleStatus == kSOSCCInCircle){
263 secnotice("kcn", "iCDP: device is in circle!");
264 _hasPostedAndStillInError = false;
267 else if(!_isAccountICDP && currentCircleStatus == kSOSCCError && me.state.lastCircleStatus == kSOSCCInCircle && (departureReason == kSOSNeverLeftCircle)) {
268 secnotice("kcn", "circle status went from in circle to not in circle");
269 [self postRequirePassword];
271 me.state.lastCircleStatus = currentCircleStatus;
273 [me.state writeToStorage];
276 self.viewedIds = [NSMutableSet new];
277 self.circle = [KDSecCircle new];
278 KNAppDelegate *me = self;
280 [self.circle addChangeCallback:^{
281 secnotice("kcn", "{ChangeCallback}");
283 CFErrorRef err = NULL;
285 NSDate *nowish = [NSDate date];
286 enum DepartureReason departureReason = SOSCCGetLastDepartureReason(&err);
287 SOSCCStatus circleStatus = SOSCCThisDeviceIsInCircle(&err);
288 me.state = [KNPersistentState loadFromStorage];
289 secnotice("kcn", "applicationDidFinishLaunching");
291 PSKeychainSyncIsUsingICDP();
294 if((circleStatus == kSOSCCError || circleStatus == kSOSCCCircleAbsent || circleStatus == kSOSCCNotInCircle) && _hasPostedAndStillInError == false) {
296 secnotice("kcn", "ICDP: We need the password to re-validate ourselves - it's changed on another device");
297 me.state.lastCircleStatus = circleStatus;
298 [me.state writeToStorage];
299 [me postRequirePassword];
300 _hasPostedAndStillInError = true;
302 else if(circleStatus == kSOSCCInCircle){
303 secnotice("kcn", "iCDP: device is in circle!");
304 _hasPostedAndStillInError = false;
307 else if(!_isAccountICDP && circleStatus == kSOSCCError && me.state.lastCircleStatus == kSOSCCInCircle && (departureReason == kSOSNeverLeftCircle)) {
308 secnotice("kcn", "SA: circle status went from in circle to not in circle");
309 [me postRequirePassword];
311 // Pending application reminder
312 secnotice("kcn", "{ChangeCallback} scheduleActivity %@", me.state.pendingApplicationReminder);
313 if (circleStatus == kSOSCCRequestPending)
314 [me scheduleActivityAt:me.state.pendingApplicationReminder];
317 // No longer in circle?
318 if ((me.state.lastCircleStatus == kSOSCCInCircle && (circleStatus == kSOSCCNotInCircle || circleStatus == kSOSCCCircleAbsent)) ||
319 (me.state.lastCircleStatus == kSOSCCCircleAbsent && circleStatus == kSOSCCNotInCircle && me.state.absentCircleWithNoReason) ||
320 me.state.debugLeftReason) {
321 enum DepartureReason reason = kSOSNeverLeftCircle;
322 if (me.state.debugLeftReason) {
323 reason = [me.state.debugLeftReason intValue];
324 me.state.debugLeftReason = nil;
325 [me.state writeToStorage];
327 reason = SOSCCGetLastDepartureReason(&err);
328 if (reason == kSOSDepartureReasonError) {
329 secnotice("kcn", "SOSCCGetLastDepartureReason err: %@", err);
331 if (err) CFRelease(err);
334 if (reason != kSOSDepartureReasonError) {
335 // Post kick-out alert
337 // <rdar://problem/20862435> MessageTracer data to find out how many users were dropped & reset
338 msgtracer_domain_t domain = msgtracer_domain_new(ICKC_EVENT_DISABLED);
339 msgtracer_msg_t mt_msg = NULL;
342 mt_msg = msgtracer_msg_new(domain);
347 msgtracer_set(mt_msg, kMsgTracerKeySignature, ICKC_EVENT_DEPARTURE_REASON);
348 snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%u", reason);
349 msgtracer_set(mt_msg, kMsgTracerKeyValue, s);
351 int64_t num_peers = 0;
352 CFArrayRef peerList = SOSCCCopyPeerPeerInfo(NULL);
354 num_peers = CFArrayGetCount(peerList);
355 if (num_peers > 99) {
356 // Round down # peers to 2 significant digits
358 for (factor = 10; num_peers >= 100*factor; factor *= 10) ;
359 num_peers = (num_peers / factor) * factor;
363 msgtracer_set(mt_msg, kMsgTracerKeySignature2, ICKC_EVENT_NUM_PEERS);
364 snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%lld", num_peers);
365 msgtracer_set(mt_msg, kMsgTracerKeyValue2, s);
367 msgtracer_set(mt_msg, kMsgTracerKeySummarize, "NO");
368 msgtracer_log(mt_msg, ASL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "");
372 // 1. Write here due to [me timerCheck] => [KNPersistentState loadFromStorage] below?!?
373 // 2. Or change call order of timerCheck, pendingApplication reminder below???
374 me.state.absentCircleWithNoReason = (circleStatus == kSOSCCCircleAbsent && reason == kSOSNeverLeftCircle);
375 [me.state writeToStorage];
376 secnotice("kcn", "{ChangeCallback} departure reason %d", reason);
379 case kSOSDiscoveredRetirement:
380 case kSOSLostPrivateKey:
381 case kSOSWithdrewMembership:
382 case kSOSNeverAppliedToCircle:
385 case kSOSNeverLeftCircle:
386 case kSOSMembershipRevoked:
387 case kSOSLeftUntrustedCircle:
389 [me postKickedOutAlert: reason];
396 // Circle applications: pending request(s) started / completed
397 if (me.circle.rawStatus != me.state.lastCircleStatus) {
398 SOSCCStatus lastCircleStatus = me.state.lastCircleStatus;
399 me.state.lastCircleStatus = circleStatus;
401 if (lastCircleStatus != kSOSCCRequestPending && circleStatus == kSOSCCRequestPending) {
402 secnotice("kcn", "{ChangeCallback} Pending request START");
403 me.state.applicationDate = nowish;
404 me.state.pendingApplicationReminder = [me.state.applicationDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:[me getPendingApplicationReminderInterval]];
405 [me.state writeToStorage]; // FIXME: move below? might be needed for scheduleActivityAt...
406 [me scheduleActivityAt:me.state.pendingApplicationReminder];
409 if (lastCircleStatus == kSOSCCRequestPending && circleStatus != kSOSCCRequestPending) {
410 secnotice("kcn", "Pending request completed");
411 me.state.applicationDate = [NSDate distantPast];
412 me.state.pendingApplicationReminder = [NSDate distantFuture];
413 [me.state writeToStorage];
416 NSUserNotificationCenter *noteCenter = appropriateNotificationCenter();
417 for (NSUserNotification *note in noteCenter.deliveredNotifications) {
418 if (note.userInfo[(NSString*) kValidOnlyOutOfCircleKey] && note.userInfo[@"ApplicationReminder"]) {
419 secnotice("kcn", "{ChangeCallback} Removing notification %@", note);
420 [appropriateNotificationCenter() removeDeliveredNotification: note];
427 // Clear out (old) reset notifications
428 if (me.circle.isInCircle) {
429 secnotice("kcn", "{ChangeCallback} me.circle.isInCircle");
430 NSUserNotificationCenter *noteCenter = appropriateNotificationCenter();
431 for (NSUserNotification *note in noteCenter.deliveredNotifications) {
432 if (note.userInfo[(NSString*) kValidOnlyOutOfCircleKey]) {
433 secnotice("kcn", "Removing existing notification (%@) now that we are in circle", note);
434 [appropriateNotificationCenter() removeDeliveredNotification: note];
439 //Clear out (old) password changed notifications
440 if(me.circle.isInCircle){
441 secnotice("kcn", "{ChangeCallback} me.circle.isInCircle");
442 NSUserNotificationCenter *noteCenter = appropriateNotificationCenter();
443 for (NSUserNotification *note in noteCenter.deliveredNotifications) {
444 if (note.userInfo[(NSString*) kPasswordChangedOrTrustedDeviceChanged]) {
445 secnotice("kcn", "Removing existing notification (%@) now that we are valid again", note);
446 [appropriateNotificationCenter() removeDeliveredNotification: note];
453 secnotice("kcn", "{ChangeCallback} Applicants");
454 NSMutableSet *applicantIds = [NSMutableSet new];
455 for (KDCirclePeer *applicant in me.circle.applicants) {
456 if (!me.circle.isInCircle) {
457 // Don't yammer on about circles we aren't in, and don't announce our own
458 // join requests as if the user could approve them locally!
461 [me postForApplicant:applicant];
462 [applicantIds addObject:applicant.idString];
466 // Update notifications
467 NSUserNotificationCenter *notificationCenter = appropriateNotificationCenter();
468 secnotice("kcn", "Checking validity of %lu notes", (unsigned long)notificationCenter.deliveredNotifications.count);
469 for (NSUserNotification *note in notificationCenter.deliveredNotifications) {
470 if (note.userInfo[@"applicantId"] && ![applicantIds containsObject:note.userInfo[@"applicantId"]]) {
471 secnotice("kcn", "No longer an applicant (%@) for %@ (I=%@)", note.userInfo[@"applicantId"], note, [note.userInfo compactDescription]);
472 [notificationCenter removeDeliveredNotification:note];
474 secnotice("kcn", "Still an applicant (%@) for %@ (I=%@)", note.userInfo[@"applicantId"], note, [note.userInfo compactDescription]);
478 me.state.lastCircleStatus = circleStatus;
480 [me.state writeToStorage];
485 - (BOOL) userNotificationCenter: (NSUserNotificationCenter *) center
486 shouldPresentNotification: (NSUserNotification *) notification
492 - (void) userNotificationCenter: (NSUserNotificationCenter *) center
493 didActivateNotification: (NSUserNotification *) notification
495 if (notification.activationType == NSUserNotificationActivationTypeActionButtonClicked) {
496 [self notifyiCloudPreferencesAbout:notification.userInfo[@"Activate"]];
501 - (void) userNotificationCenter: (NSUserNotificationCenter *) center
502 didDismissAlert: (NSUserNotification *) notification
504 [self handleDismissedNotification];
506 // If we don't do anything here & another notification comes in we
507 // will repost the alert, which will be dumb.
508 id applicantId = notification.userInfo[@"applicantId"];
509 if (applicantId != nil) {
510 [self.viewedIds addObject:applicantId];
515 - (void) postForApplicant: (KDCirclePeer *) applicant
517 static int postCount = 0;
519 if ([self.viewedIds containsObject:applicant.idString]) {
520 secnotice("kcn", "Already viewed %@, skipping", applicant);
524 NSUserNotificationCenter *noteCenter = appropriateNotificationCenter();
525 for (NSUserNotification *note in noteCenter.deliveredNotifications) {
526 if ([applicant.idString isEqualToString:note.userInfo[@"applicantId"]]) {
527 if (note.isPresented) {
528 secnotice("kcn", "Already posted&presented: %@ (I=%@)", note, note.userInfo);
531 secnotice("kcn", "Already posted, but not presented: %@ (I=%@)", note, note.userInfo);
536 NSUserNotification *note = [NSUserNotification new];
537 note.title = [NSString stringWithFormat: (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_APPROVAL_TITLE), applicant.name];
538 note.informativeText = [KNAppDelegate localisedApprovalBodyWithDeviceTypeFromPeerInfo:applicant.peerObject];
539 note._displayStyle = _NSUserNotificationDisplayStyleAlert;
540 note._identityImage = [NSImage bundleImage];
541 note._identityImageStyle = _NSUserNotificationIdentityImageStyleRectangleNoBorder;
542 note.otherButtonTitle = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_DECLINE);
543 note.actionButtonTitle = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_APPROVE);
544 note.identifier = [[NSUUID new] UUIDString];
546 @"applicantName": applicant.name,
547 @"applicantId" : applicant.idString,
548 @"Activate" : (__bridge NSString *) kMMPropertyKeychainAADetailsAEAction,
551 secnotice("kcn", "About to post #%d/%lu (%@): %@", postCount, noteCenter.deliveredNotifications.count, applicant.idString, note);
552 [appropriateNotificationCenter() deliverNotification:note];
553 [self.viewedIds addObject:applicant.idString];
557 + (NSString *)localisedApprovalBodyWithDeviceTypeFromPeerInfo:(id)peerInfo {
558 NSString *type = (__bridge NSString *)SOSPeerInfoGetPeerDeviceType((__bridge SOSPeerInfoRef)(peerInfo));
559 CFStringRef localisedType = NULL;
560 if ([type isEqualToString:@"iPad"]) {
561 localisedType = SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_APPROVAL_BODY_OSX_IPAD);
562 } else if ([type isEqualToString:@"iPhone"]) {
563 localisedType = SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_APPROVAL_BODY_OSX_IPHONE);
564 } else if ([type isEqualToString:@"iPod"]) {
565 localisedType = SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_APPROVAL_BODY_OSX_IPOD);
566 } else if ([type isEqualToString:@"Mac"]) {
567 localisedType = SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_APPROVAL_BODY_OSX_MAC);
569 localisedType = SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_APPROVAL_BODY_OSX_GENERIC);
571 return (__bridge_transfer NSString *)localisedType;
574 - (void) postRequirePassword
577 NSUserNotificationCenter *noteCenter = appropriateNotificationCenter();
578 for (NSUserNotification *note in noteCenter.deliveredNotifications) {
579 if (note.userInfo[(NSString*) kPasswordChangedOrTrustedDeviceChanged]) {
580 if (note.isPresented) {
581 secnotice("kcn", "Already posted & presented: %@", note);
582 [appropriateNotificationCenter() removeDeliveredNotification: note];
584 secnotice("kcn", "Already posted, but not presented: %@", note);
589 NSString *message = CFBridgingRelease(SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_PWD_REQUIRED_BODY_OSX));
590 if (os_variant_has_internal_ui("iCloudKeychain")) {
591 NSString *reason_str = [NSString stringWithFormat:(__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_CR_REASON_INTERNAL), @"Device became untrusted or password changed"];
592 message = [message stringByAppendingString: reason_str];
595 NSUserNotification *note = [NSUserNotification new];
596 note.title = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_PWD_REQUIRED_TITLE);
597 note.informativeText = message;
598 note._identityImage = [NSImage bundleImage];
599 note._identityImageStyle = _NSUserNotificationIdentityImageStyleRectangleNoBorder;
600 note.otherButtonTitle = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_NOT_NOW);
601 note.actionButtonTitle = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_CONTINUE);
602 note.identifier = [[NSUUID new] UUIDString];
605 kPasswordChangedOrTrustedDeviceChanged : @1,
606 @"Activate" : (__bridge NSString *) kMMPropertyKeychainPCDetailsAEAction,
609 secnotice("kcn", "body=%@", note.informativeText);
610 secnotice("kcn", "About to post #-/%lu (PASSWORD/TRUSTED DEVICE): %@", noteCenter.deliveredNotifications.count, note);
611 [appropriateNotificationCenter() deliverNotification:note];
614 secnotice("kcn","would have posted needs password and then followed up");
615 [self startFollowupKitRepair];
619 - (void) postKickedOutAlert: (int) reason
623 NSUserNotificationCenter *noteCenter = appropriateNotificationCenter();
624 for (NSUserNotification *note in noteCenter.deliveredNotifications) {
625 if (note.userInfo[(NSString*) kKickedOutKey]) {
626 if (note.isPresented) {
627 secnotice("kcn", "Already posted&presented (removing): %@", note);
628 [appropriateNotificationCenter() removeDeliveredNotification: note];
630 secnotice("kcn", "Already posted, but not presented: %@", note);
635 NSString *message = CFBridgingRelease(SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_PWD_REQUIRED_BODY_OSX));
636 if (os_variant_has_internal_ui("iCloudKeychain")) {
637 static const char *departureReasonStrings[] = {
638 "kSOSDepartureReasonError",
639 "kSOSNeverLeftCircle",
640 "kSOSWithdrewMembership",
641 "kSOSMembershipRevoked",
642 "kSOSLeftUntrustedCircle",
643 "kSOSNeverAppliedToCircle",
644 "kSOSDiscoveredRetirement",
645 "kSOSLostPrivateKey",
648 int idx = (kSOSDepartureReasonError <= reason && reason <= kSOSLostPrivateKey) ? reason : (kSOSLostPrivateKey + 1);
649 NSString *reason_str = [NSString stringWithFormat:(__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_CR_REASON_INTERNAL), departureReasonStrings[idx]];
650 message = [message stringByAppendingString: reason_str];
653 // <rdar://problem/21988060> Improve wording of the iCloud keychain drop/reset error messages
654 // Contrary to HI spec (and I think it makes more sense)
655 // 1. otherButton == top : Not Now
656 // 2. actionButton == bottom: Continue
657 // 3. If we followed HI spec, replace "Activate" => "Dismiss" in note.userInfo below
658 NSUserNotification *note = [NSUserNotification new];
659 note.title = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_PWD_REQUIRED_TITLE);
660 note.informativeText = message;
661 note._identityImage = [NSImage bundleImage];
662 note._identityImageStyle = _NSUserNotificationIdentityImageStyleRectangleNoBorder;
663 note.otherButtonTitle = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_NOT_NOW);
664 note.actionButtonTitle = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_CONTINUE);
665 note.identifier = [[NSUUID new] UUIDString];
669 kValidOnlyOutOfCircleKey: @1,
670 @"Activate" : (__bridge NSString *) kMMPropertyKeychainMRDetailsAEAction,
673 secnotice("kcn", "body=%@", note.informativeText);
674 secnotice("kcn", "About to post #-/%lu (KICKOUT): %@", noteCenter.deliveredNotifications.count, note);
675 [appropriateNotificationCenter() deliverNotification:note];
679 secnotice("kcn","postKickedOutAlert starting followup repair");
680 [self startFollowupKitRepair];
684 - (void) postApplicationReminder
686 NSUserNotificationCenter *noteCenter = appropriateNotificationCenter();
687 for (NSUserNotification *note in noteCenter.deliveredNotifications) {
688 if (note.userInfo[@"ApplicationReminder"]) {
689 if (note.isPresented) {
690 secnotice("kcn", "Already posted&presented (removing): %@", note);
691 [appropriateNotificationCenter() removeDeliveredNotification: note];
693 secnotice("kcn", "Already posted, but not presented: %@", note);
698 // <rdar://problem/21988060> Improve wording of the iCloud keychain drop/reset error messages
699 // Contrary to HI spec (and I think it makes more sense)
700 // 1. otherButton == top : Not Now
701 // 2. actionButton == bottom: Continue
702 // 3. If we followed HI spec, replace "Activate" => "Dismiss" in note.userInfo below
703 NSUserNotification *note = [NSUserNotification new];
704 note.title = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_REMINDER_TITLE_OSX);
705 note.informativeText = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_REMINDER_BODY_OSX);
706 note._identityImage = [NSImage bundleImage];
707 note._identityImageStyle = _NSUserNotificationIdentityImageStyleRectangleNoBorder;
708 note.otherButtonTitle = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_NOT_NOW);
709 note.actionButtonTitle = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_CONTINUE);
710 note.identifier = [[NSUUID new] UUIDString];
713 @"ApplicationReminder" : @1,
714 kValidOnlyOutOfCircleKey: @1,
715 @"Activate" : (__bridge NSString *) kMMPropertyKeychainWADetailsAEAction,
718 secnotice("kcn", "About to post #-/%lu (REMINDER): %@ (I=%@)", noteCenter.deliveredNotifications.count, note, [note.userInfo compactDescription]);
719 [appropriateNotificationCenter() deliverNotification:note];